| Account Activation/Password Recovery

If you are a student of IPB, you can activate your Password on this page, with which you can access to various electronic services during this school year (check your e-mail box, check your grades, register for exams, etc.). To carry out this operation, consult the data provided in the lower part of the sheet containing the academic calendar for the current year (Username and Reference), provided at the time of enrollment. As an additional security measure, you must also indicate the number of your Identity Card. Once your Password is set, the Reference provided no longer has any effect/validity.
2. Do you want to activate/recover your account but lost the Reference provided with the IPB 1st enrollment documentation? Click here!
3. Set your Password here
Get this information at the bottom of the sheet that contains the school year calendar for this year.
Ex: a12345 
Your ID number.
Ex: 123456789 
Get this information in the lower part of the sheet, which you have obtained on the 1st enrollment, which contains the school calendar. If you lost the Reference, please read point 2
Ex: 987654321 
Passwords must be equal or greater than 9 characters, obtained from three of the four categories indicated in point 4
Ex: XQO7oWtM* 
You must repeat the same Password you entered earlier. 

The Password that IPB makes available to you is personal and non-transferable. IPB is not responsible for the use by third parties of the provided password, so you should take the necessary measures to keep it always confidential. As such, you will be held responsible for any improper use of services and/or resources through your Username and Password.

The following policies are also included in the terms of use of IPB's electronic services, the content of which you confirm by selecting the option "--I agree with the Terms of Use":
 I agree to the Terms of Service
4. * Rules to set your Password:

You should always avoid using simple or obvious passwords (e.g. equal to the user name, student number, initials of the name.
The Password must be at least 9 characters long and complex. Its composition should require the inclusion of 3 of the following 4 character sets:
- lowercase letters: "a-z"
- uppercase letters: "A-Z"
- digits: "0-9"
- special characters: "|!#$%&()=.:,;*"
Invalid characters: "áàãâÁÀÃÂéèêÉÈÊíìîÍÌÎóòõôÓÒÕÔúùûÚÙÛçÇ+-<>"'€"

5. If you have the correct data, but if for some reason you are unable to set your Password through this page, you should personally contact the Communication Center of IPB.